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        1. Business
          Leading the industry; Achievement value

          Chairman Wei Xiaoxin emphasized that all employees should unite and fully study the policies of the Party and the state; The top leaders of each profit center should study the situation, control the direction, benchmark international brands and international talents with international standards, select the essence and eliminate the dross: we should carry out activities to tap potential and increase efficiency, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and improve work efficiency: "synergy and leadership are equally important", we should focus on audit supervision, implement systems, and effectively enhance execution; We need to introduce a talent competition mechanism, create a work atmosphere where everyone can compete for the top and bottom, and create a New Port Iron Army with excellent work style and the ability to win battles. Wei Xiaoxin hopes that all employees will recognize the situation, highly unify their thinking, identify with the corporate culture, work together to build industry benchmarks, achieve their own value, and strive for a brilliant tomorrow.

          On October 24, 2020, the New Port Business School began classes, and Chairman Wei Xiaoxin gave a themed training on "Leading the Industry, Achieving Value".

          Lecturer's demeanor
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          Yitang, Linyi City, Shandong Province



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